Learning How to Find Major and Minor Scales
Are you ready to learn how to find the major and minor scales? In this blog post, we will explore two methods: the scale formula and the circle of fifths and fourths. Let’s dive in and discover how to apply these methods to find the scales.
The Scale Formula
To find the major scale, we use the formula WWHWWWH, where W represents a whole step and H represents a half step. For the minor scale, the formula is WHWWHWW. But what exactly are whole steps and half steps in music?
- A half step is when you move to the immediate next note, such as from C to C sharp.
- A whole step is when you skip a note, such as moving from C to D.
Let’s apply this formula to find the C major scale. Starting from C, we follow the formula to find the notes of the scale. We can also apply this method to find the G, D, and E major scales.
The Circle of Fifths
Another method to find the major and minor scales is using the circle of fifths. This method helps us determine the number of sharps in a scale. For example, the C major scale has 0 sharps, while the G major scale has 1 sharp. We can use this method to find the major scales for A and E as well.
Finding the Minor Scales
To find the minor scales, we use the scale formula and the circle of fourths. The scale formula for the minor scale is WHWWHWW. We can apply this formula to find the A and B minor scales. Additionally, using the circle of fourths, we can find the F and G minor scales
By learning and applying these methods, you can confidently find the major and minor scales for any key. Whether using the scale formula or the circle of fifths and fourths, these techniques will help you understand and play music in different keys.
Thank you for joining me on this journey of learning how to find the major and minor scales. If you found this blog post helpful, please give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more music theory lessons. Have a great day!

True mentorship is not about leading someone to a destination, but rather illuminating the path so they can navigate with confidence towards their own success.
– Joel Dave
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